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School's Clutches

- Grace -

(A poem and a parody)

Here is the truth about Humpty Dumpty. Hidden from all until now.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
Humpty Dumpty wouldn’t have died
If he hadn’t had tests that had his brain fried.
Too much knowledge was stuffed in his brain,
So much that he was in lots of pain,
It only took a hit on his head,
For all of his knowledge to make him dead.

This is a parody of a parody (seriously 😊) of the song What a Friend We Have in Jesus (made by Megan, Hudson and I)
When this school year’s finally over,
No more studying for me.
When I finally have some free time,
Oh, how happy I shall be.
No more studying on the weekends,
No more stressing out for me.
I’ll wave goodbye to all my teachers,
How I’ll miss them, how they’ll grieve.


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