A pinboard is like a loving thing, so treat it with care. Find it a good place, not too dark but not in direct sunlight, as its foliage may fade. Make sure you keep a good store of pins nearby in case you need to feed it quickly. With the pins, keep scraps of paper, sticky notes or blank notecards.
Feed it regularly, so it doesn't get a tatty coat. Regularly prune as well, since old pieces of paper no longer serving any purpose can get in the way and make it look shabby.
Ensure you are feeding it a well balanced diet of different colors, sizes and shapes of paper, and occasionally add supplements such as leaves, postcards and bits of string. This way you will see your pinboard bloom all seasons.
A pinboard can become a lifelong friend if treated correctly. Make sure you feed it enough, but not too much. An important point to note is the content of the notes you are giving it. Single words are acceptable as long as they are clear, so you know exactly what you were thinking when you read it later. Your pinboard wants to help you, but it isn't able to if you don't give it useful information. Think carefully as you compose its meals. You may want to give it a friendly message, or a helpful verse, or a pretty postcard. Your pinboard returns whatever you give it as it is a very grateful creature.
I personally have become very attached to my pinboard,as it is situated right next to my desk and reminds me of things whenever I am stuck for ideas. I am sure the pinboard you choose will become a great asset to you as well.
Experts in pinboard maintenance may wish to challenge themselves by taming the chalkboard or the whiteboard.